廖友常.沉积型一水硬铝石型铝土矿床勘查评价中 几个问题的探讨—以黔北铝土矿床为例[J].地质与勘探,2013,49(2):274-279
沉积型一水硬铝石型铝土矿床勘查评价中 几个问题的探讨—以黔北铝土矿床为例
On Some Problems of Exploration Evaluation of the Sedimentary Type Diasporic Bauxite Deposits: Examples from the Bauxite Deposits in Northern Guizhou
投稿时间:2012-10-10  修订日期:2012-10-10
中文关键词: 沉积型一水硬铝石型铝土矿 勘查类型 工程间距 铝硅比取值
英文关键词: sedimentary type diasporic bauxite deposit, exploration type, engineering spacing, aluminum silicon ratio value
廖友常 贵州省地矿局106地质大队贵州遵义 
摘要点击次数: 2314
全文下载次数: 1320
      [摘 要]以黔北铝土矿为例,对沉积型一水硬铝石型铝土矿勘查评价中的4个问题进行讨论,并提 出:(1)将勘查类型按普查、详查、勘探阶段分别用初定、暂定、确定来进行定性;(2)用“菱形孔”而非 “矩形孔”的布置方法来解决勘查类型的变更与工程控制间距非整倍数的问题;(3)“地表工程间距加 密一倍”的适用范围是:露采且处于“剥蚀区”内的矿体。地表露头线呈线状展布且上覆有岩层或虽也 强风化,但仍保存原岩层层理迹象的范围,则可与勘查类型和勘查阶段同距同网;(4)普查、详查阶段中 工程矿体边界A/S的取值可在1.8~2.6之间,以保证块段矿体中的A/S值达到工业要求即可。
      Abstract: This paper discusses four problems encountered in exploration evaluation of the sedimentary type diasporic bauxite deposits, taking the bauxite deposits in northern Guizhou as examples. We suggest that: (1) The exploration types should include initial, provisional and final determinations corresponding to the survey, detailed survey and exploration stages, respectively. (2) "Diamond holes" rather than "rectangular holes" are used to solve the non integral multiple problem of changing exploration types and engineering control spacing. (3) The applicable scope of "surface engineering spacing encryption a time" is open mining and ore bodies in the "denuded zone”. In the areas where surface outcrop lines are linearly distributed and there are overlying rocks or the rocks have been weathered strongly, but the original rock bedding is still preserved, the same exploration type and exploration stage can be assigned by the same network and same distance. (4) During the general and detail survey stages, the A/S values of engineering ore body boundary can be taken as 1.8~2.6 to ensure that the A/S values of lump-segment ore bodies meet industrial requirements.
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