付治国.小秦岭—熊耳山地区金矿床矿石矿物 标型特征分析[J].地质与勘探,2009,45(2):53-59
小秦岭—熊耳山地区金矿床矿石矿物 标型特征分析
Typomorph ic Character istics of OreM inera ls in Gold Deposits of the Xiaoq in ling2Xiongershan D istr ict
投稿时间:2008-08-01  修订日期:2008-12-16
中文关键词: 金矿床 矿石矿物 标型特征 小秦岭—熊耳山 河南—陕西
英文关键词: gold deposit, ore mineral, typomorphic characteristics, Xiaoqingling2Xiongershan, Henan2shanxi
付治国 河南省地质矿产勘查开发局第二地质勘查院,许昌 
摘要点击次数: 2316
全文下载次数: 1422
      [摘要]经过对小秦岭- 熊耳山地区金矿床矿石矿物标型特征的分析研究,总结出如下规律: 1) 黄铁矿晶形随成矿阶段而变化,成矿早期和晚期,黄铁矿常常呈立方体,成矿中期以五角十二面体及其 聚晶为主; 2) 贵金属矿物的标型:石英脉型金矿以自然金为主,蚀变岩型金矿则以银金矿为主;在同一 成因类型的矿床中,成矿早期见少量自然金,成矿中期在石英- 黄铁矿阶段自然金大量出现,而多金属 硫化物阶段,银金矿逐渐增多;成矿晚期,仅有少量自然金; 3) 金的成色:小秦岭地区以自然金为主,且 成色较高,平均在844~937之间;而熊耳山地区由于出现银金矿或碲化物导致金成色相对偏低,平均 813~914。形成温度高者金成色亦高,反之则低;另外,金的成色随着成矿作用早晚而变化,石英脉型金 矿从早到晚,其成色有968~940~870变化,蚀变岩型则由929~94217向87617~899变化。总而言之, 金矿物的标型反映的是其形成的物化环境、成矿条件、矿物的空间分布规律等,在进一步找矿中可以作 为参考依据。
      Abstract:On the base of the descrip tion to the typomorphic characteristics of ore minerals in Xiaoqingling - Xiongershan gold deposits, three points have been concluded in this paper: i, Crystal shapes of pyrite vary in differentmineralization stages. In the early and late periods, pyrite mainly occurs as cubic, but during themiddle period, its pyrithohedron and twinning are p resented. ii, Typomorphic characteristic of the p reciousmetalminerals is exis2 ted in differentmineralization stages or deposit types. The native gold grains are scattered mainly in the quartz - vein type gold deposits, in contrast elec2 trum ismostly distributed in the altered - rock type deposits. During the early stage of the same type deposits less native gold is formed, during the middle stage, a large amount of native gold is deposited with quartz and pyrite simultaneously, and as polymetal sulfide minerals are crystallized, the amount of electrum is also increased. During the late stage, only little native gold is p resent. iii, The purity of gold is different. Native gold in Xiaoqingling area is with high quality, and average fineness of the gold is between 844~937, but the gold p roduced in XiongershanMountain has a poor puritymostly as asso2 ciated electrum and telluride, average fineness is between 813~914. Therefore high temperature leads to the high quality of gold, vice versa the low to the poor. In addition, generally the fineness of quartz - vein type gold is changed from 968 to 940 to 870, and the altered - rock type is from 929~ 942. 7 to 940~870. It is concluded that typomorphic characteristics can indicate the physical and chemical condition ofmineralization aswell asmineral distribu2 tion
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