投稿时间:2009-11-19  修订日期:2010-07-06  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 29735
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王华锋 山东省地球物理地球化学勘查院, 山东济南 
中文摘要:[摘要] 矿山开采的范围和深度的不断加大形成了越来越多的金属矿采空区。采空区塌陷等地质灾害为矿山安全开采和居民生活带来了极大的影响,因此对金属矿采空区准确定位显得尤为重要。本文以山东焦家金矿望儿山采空区为例,开展了以高密度电阻率法、地震映像和探地雷达探测为主的综合探测试验,通过综合探测发现异常16处,结合地质资料和钻孔验证,证实了其中12处异常为采空区(准确率达到75%),并结合电-震综合异常特征建立了采空区3D空间形态。试验结果表明以电-震为主的综合地球物理勘探技术可以有效的定位采空区位置及空间分布,为焦家金矿及其它金属矿区采空区探测提供了借鉴。
中文关键词:高密度电阻率法 地震映像法 探地雷达法 采空区 焦家金矿
Application of Comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting Methods to Goaf of Metal Ore Mines: A Case Study of the Wang’ershan Mine Goaf, Jiaojia Gold Mine, Shandong Province
Abstract:Abstract: The increasing depth and range of metal mining lead to a growing number of goafs in metal mines. The collapse of mined-out areas and other geological hazards greatly influence the safety of mining and people’s living, Therefore, the accurate positioning of goafs is particularly important. In this paper, we take the Wangershan goaf in the Jiaojia gold mine for example, and utilize the high-density resistivity, ground penetrating-radar and seismic imaging methods to carry out comprehensive tests of detection for goafs. The tests found 16 geophysical anomaly areas, and 12 anomaly areas were validated to be mine goafs in combination with geological and drilling data (a successful ratio 75%). Integrated with the electric and seismic anomaly characteristics, we determine the 3-D spatial shapes of the goafs. It is demonstrated that a variety of geophysical methods dominated by electrical-seismic methods can clearly reflect the 3-D spatial locations and distributions mined-out areas. Thus, these tests provide reference for goaf detection in the Jiaojia gold deposit and other metal mines.
keywords:high-density resistivity, ground-penetrating radar, seismic imaging, goaf, Jiaojia gold mine
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