投稿时间:2010-01-28  修订日期:2010-11-06  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 6377
全文下载次数: 7596
董汉文 中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院,北京 
基金项目:全国危机矿山接替资源勘查项目“胶东地区石英脉型金矿床成矿规律总结研究项目冶(项目编号:20089937) 资助。
中文摘要:[摘要]邓格庄金矿床位于胶东牟(平)-乳(山)金矿带内,矿区内出露地层以太古界胶东群和古 元古界荆山群为主。矿区内构造以断裂为主并较为发育,矿脉主要受其控制,呈北东向、北北东向展布。 矿区内控矿断裂为与金牛山断裂同期的次级断裂。通过分析断裂构造征及其与金矿化的关系, 可分为 成矿前、成矿期和成矿后构造体系, 初步认为成矿期的主压应力方向为NNW-SSE 向挤压,金矿区的应 力场大致经历了近南北向挤压寅NNW-SSE 向挤压寅NWW-SEE 向挤压的演化过程。
中文关键词:邓格庄金矿床 牟-乳金矿带 断裂控矿 构造演化
Characteristics and Evolution of the Ore-controlling Faults in the DenggezhuangGold Deposit, Eastern Shandong Province
Abstract:Abstract:The Denggezhuang gold deposit lies in the Muping-Rushan gold mineralization belt, eastern Shandong Province. The exposed strata in the ore district are dominated by Archean Jiaodong Group and Proterozoic Jingshan Group, where well-developed faults control most of the ore veins striking in NE and NNE directions. The secondary faults which control ores formed in the same time as the Jinniushan fault. Analysis of the relationship between fault structure and gold mineralization suggests that this deposit can be divided into structural systems of pre-mineralization, co-mineralization and postmineralization. The principal compressive stress of the co-mineralization time is in NNW-SSE direction. And the stress field of this deposit might have experienced an evolution from nearly SN compression to NNW-SSE compression and to NWW-SEE compression.
keywords:Denggezhuang gold deposit, Muping-Rushan gold ore belt, ore-controlling fault, structural evolution
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