投稿时间:2023-11-03  修订日期:2024-04-18  点此下载全文
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白俊豪 河南省国土空间调查规划院河南郑州 河南省第五地质大队有限公司河南郑州河南省第二地质矿产调查院有限公司河南郑州 bjh721@aliyun.com 
中文摘要:萤石是我国战略性矿种之一,提高其资源储备对国民经济发展具有重要意义。本研究对河南省萤石矿床的地质特征、时空分布、成矿物质来源等进行分析,系统总结萤石矿床的成矿规律,并提出河南省萤石找矿方向。结果表明:(1)河南省萤石矿床类型以热液充填型为主,全省可划分为三个萤石成矿带;(2)河南省萤石矿床主要分布于中生代花岗质侵入岩体的内部或其周边地层的北西向、北东向断裂构造带中,方城地区萤石矿床主要赋存于岩体附近的地层中;(3)萤石矿床的成矿年龄在120 Ma左右,方城地区萤石矿床可能形成于新元古代;(4)中生代花岗质岩浆作用或其期后热液活动为萤石成矿提供重要的物质和驱动热;地层岩石为萤石成矿提供重要的氟,其丰富钙源很可能是巨量萤石富集的关键;(5)萤石主成矿阶段的成矿流体应属低温、低盐度、低密度的流体系统,大气降水对萤石成矿具有重要作用;(6)河南省萤石找矿重点地区应在太华群地层岩石和中生代花岗质侵入岩体广泛发育的北带和中带,特别是合峪、太山庙、天目山、铜山等岩体的内部或其周围。
中文关键词:萤石矿床 地质特征 成矿年龄 成矿物质 成矿流体 找矿方向 河南省
Geological characteristics, metallogenic regularity and prospecting direction of fluorite deposits in Henan Province
Abstract:Fluorite is a strategic mineral in China. It is of great significance to improve the resource reserves of fluorite for the development of national economy. This study systematically summarized the metallogenic regularity of fluorite deposits and suggested the future prospecting direction by analyzing the geological characteristics, spatiotemporal distribution, and source of ore-forming materials of fluorite deposits in Henan Province. The results indicate that: (1) fluorites deposits in Henan Province are dominated by hydrothermal filled type, and can be divided into three fluorite metallogenic belts. (2) The fluorite deposits in Henan Province are mainly located within the Mesozoic granitic intrusions or along the surrounding NW- and NE-trending fault zones. Fluorite deposits in the Fangcheng area mainly occur in the strata near the granitic intrusions. (3) The metallogenic age of the fluorite deposits was about 120 Ma, and the fluorite deposits in the Fangcheng area may have formed in the Neoproterozoic. (4) The Mesozoic granitic magmatism or post-hydrothermal activity provided important materials and driving heat for fluorite mineralization. The rocks provided important fluorine for fluorite mineralization, and their rich calcium source may be the key to the enrichment of massive fluorite. (5) The ore-forming fluid in the main mineralization stage of fluorite should be low temperature, low salinity, and low density, and atmospheric precipitation played an important role in fluorite mineralization. (6) The key areas for fluorite exploration in Henan Province should be located in the northern belt and central belt where the Taihua Group and the Mesozoic granitic intrusions are widely developed, especially in the interior or surrounding areas of intrusions such as Heyu, Taishanmiao, Tianmushan, and Tongshan.
keywords:fluorite deposit, geological characteristics, metallogenic age, ore-forming material, ore-forming fluid, prospecting direction, Henan Province
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