蔡剑华.基于广义S 变换时频滤波的MT数据去噪[J].地质与勘探,2021,57(6):1383-1390
基于广义S 变换时频滤波的MT数据去噪
Denoising of MT data by time-frequency filtering based on the generalized S transform
投稿时间:2020-11-05  修订日期:2021-06-29
中文关键词: 广义S变换 大地电磁数据 时频分析 去噪 阻抗估计
英文关键词: generalized S transform, magnetotelluric data, time-frequency analysis, denoising, impedance estimation
蔡剑华 湖南文理学院 洞庭湖生态经济区建设与发展协同创新中心湖南常德 湖南财政经济学院 信息技术与管理学院湖南长沙 cjh1021cjh@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 1343
全文下载次数: 473
      This work attempts to solve the problem that magnetotelluric (MT) data in hydrocarbon exploration are prone to contamination by various interferences and it is difficult to separate signal and noise. The time-frequency filter based on the generalized S transform is applied to MT data processing. Firstly, the time-frequency distribution of the MT data in the S domain is obtained, then the time-frequency threshold denoising is performed, and the denoised time-frequency spectrum of the data is reconstructed by inverse transform. In this paper, the principle and method of the time-frequency filtering based on generalized S domain are given. The simulated and measured MT data contaminated by interferences are processed with time-frequency filtering. And the proposed method is compared with the wavelet transform method. Results show that the time-frequency filtering method based on the generalized S transform can effectively suppress the interference and separate the MT data from the signal bearing noise. The proposed method improves the quality of MT data.
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