Distribution, geological features, exploration and development of uranium resources in Africa
投稿时间:2021-08-18  修订日期:2021-10-18
中文关键词: 非洲 铀矿 资源分布 地质特征 勘查开发
英文关键词: Africa, Uranium resources, Uranium deposit distribution, geological feature, exploration and development
陈秀法 中国地质调查局发展研究中心北京 cxiufa@mail.cgs.gov.cn 
摘要点击次数: 1944
全文下载次数: 694
      Africa is endowed with abundant uranium resources, occupying a very important position of mining in the world. It is one of the main sources of uranium ore import to China. This paper summarizes the geological characteristics of 259 known uranium deposits and their status of exploration and development in Africa. Data suggest that African uranium resources are characterized by of concentrated distribution, huge scale, and diverse deposit types. The sandstone, paleo-quartz-pebble conglomerate and intrusive rock types dominate uranium deposits in Africa. These deposits are mainly located in the Capwal Craton, the Damara fold belt of the Neoproterozoic fold zone, and the Ilemden large basin in the West Africa active zone. And the mineralization is controlled by strata, structure, and magmatic rocks. The metallogenic ages of different types of uranium deposits have distinct features. Paleo-quartz-pebble conglomerate type uranium deposits were all formed in the Archean Eon. Most of the intrusive rock type Uranium deposits were formed in the Proterozoic Eon. The sandstone type uranium deposits were formed from the Proterozoic Eon to the Cenozoic Era. In the past decade, more than 270,000 tons of uranium reserves have been discovered in Africa. It is recommended that Chinese enterprises should seize the opportunity to strengthen exploration and development cooperation in uranium resource countries such as Namibia and Niger, with investment focusing on uranium mines of intrusive rocks and the sandstone type.
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