张 伟.新安煤田中深部地温场特征及其影响因素[J].地质与勘探,2020,56(4):802-808
Characteristics and influencing factors of geothermal field in the middle and deep part of Xin’an coalfield
投稿时间:2019-05-04  修订日期:2020-02-03
中文关键词: 测温数据 地温场 地温梯度 影响因素 地质构造
英文关键词: geo-temperature data, geothermal field, geothermal gradient, influencing factors, geological structure
张 伟 河南省地质矿产勘查开发局第一地质矿产调查院河南洛阳 893017076@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 1329
全文下载次数: 691
      利用新安煤田5个矿区的数据, 分析了中深部地温场的分布,热演化, 形成机理,及其影响因素。经统计分析,整个研究区的地温梯度值介于1.24~3.24 ℃/hm之间,极小部分属高温异常区,大部分为正常地温区。在纵向上,地层温度与埋深呈现正相关性,且线性关系明显,充分体现出传导型增温特征;地温梯度则大致以400~600 m深度为分界线,该深度以浅的地温梯度值较为分散,且与地层深度呈负相关性,超过该深度以后地温梯度值变化幅度极小。在平面上,研究区地温梯度的整体分布规律为北低南高。分析结果表明,影响研究区地温场分布的主导因素为地质构造,其次为岩性变化及地下水活动。
      Using data from five mining areas of the Xin’an coal minefield, this work analyzes the distribution, thermal evolution, and formation mechanism of the geothermal field in the middle and deep part and influence factors. Results show that the geothermal gradients of the research area are between 1.24 °C/hm and 3.24 °C/hm, most of which are normal values, and very few abnormally high.. Vertically, the geo-temperature is positively correlated with depth by a linear relationship, which fully reflects the characteristics of conductive temperature increasing. Roughly bounded by depths 400~600 meters, the geothermal gradient values are dispersed in shallow and have a negative correlation with depth, while the change is extremely small below these depths. In the plane, the overall distribution of geothermal gradient in the research area is low in the north and high in the south. The analysis shows that the primary influencing factor of the geothermal field in the research area is geological structure, followed by lithological change and groundwater activity.
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