Design and trial-manufacture of the pressure-holding core drilling tool for evaluation of coal-seam gas
投稿时间:2018-05-04  修订日期:2019-03-08
中文关键词: 煤层气 保压取心 耐压设计 保压测试
英文关键词: coal-seam gas, pressure-holding coring, compression-resistance design, pressure-holding test
基金项目:陆域冻土区天然气水合物钻采技术方法集成(编号:DD20160225)和海域天然气水合物钻 探保压与非保压取心技术(编号:GZH201500602-01)联合资助。
李小洋 中国地质科学院勘探技术研究所河北廊坊 上海金泰工程机械有限公司上海 东北煤田地质局勘察设计研究总院辽宁沈阳 770613273@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 1149
全文下载次数: 550
      At present, the general wire-line tool is commonly used to collect core samples in coal-bed gas exploration. And the gas storage capacity of coal beds is evaluated by analysis of the obtained cores. In the process of sampling and core-transfer, dissipation of the gas would be accelerated with the lowering outside pressure, thus making it difficult to evaluate the gas reserve of the target beds accurately. To solve this problem, a pressure-holding core tool for coal-bed gas is developed. During the sampling process, the pressure-holding sleeve keeps the same pressure as that at the position where the core sample is obtained. And this sleeve can be connected with test equipment directly, avoiding the gas dissipation from cores. These data are accurate basis for evaluation of Coal bed methane reserves. Through the structure design, pressure design, manufacture and pressure test of pressure-barrel, it is shown that the coring diameter of the pressure sample drill is 85mm, and the maximum pressure holding capacity is 20Mpa, the pressure loss of the pressure holding for two hours is not more than 7%of the maximum pressure holding value, which meets the design and use requirements.
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