刘 恋.中国金属尾矿资源综合利用现状研究[J].地质与勘探,2013,49(3):437-443
Current Status of the Comprehensive Utilization of Metallic Mine Tailings in China
投稿时间:2012-09-19  修订日期:2013-02-08
中文关键词: 金属矿山尾矿 二次资源 综合利用
英文关键词: metallic mine tailings, secondary resources, comprehensive utilization
刘 恋 中国地质科学院北京 
摘要点击次数: 2560
全文下载次数: 1267
      [摘要] 金属矿山尾矿是一种含有微量金属矿物和大量非金属矿物的二次资源,近十年来中国金属矿产开发利用与金属尾矿持续堆积一直呈高速增长状态。经初步估算,仅2011年中国尾矿排放量就达13-14亿吨,但当前我国尾矿综合利用率尚不到10%。为了更有效的开发利用中国尾矿资源,本文在分析尾矿基本特征及十年来中国金属矿产资源开发与尾矿堆积现状的基础上,总结了当前尾矿综合利用两大途径—尾矿再选、尾矿整体利用两个方面的研究现状及取得的一些成绩。提高尾矿资源的综合利用率不仅是当前部分矿山解困的出路之一,而且可以带来长期的经济、社会、环境效益。
      Abstract: Metallic mine tailings are a kind of secondary resources that contain trace quantities of metal minerals and substantial amounts of non-metallic minerals. In the last decade, the development and utilization of metal ores and metal tailings have been growing at a high speed. Preliminary estimates show that the emissions from the tailings in China amount to 1.3~1.4 billion tons in 2011, but the comprehensive utilization rate of tailings is less than 10%. To more effectively develop and utilize the tailing resources in China, this paper reviews the current status and achievements of the two ways of tailing utilization – tailing re-concentration and overall use, based on analysis of the general tailing characteristics and the metal ore resources development and tailings status in the last ten years. Strengthening the comprehensive utilization of tailings is not only one of the ways out of predicaments for some mines, but can also bring about long-term economic, social and environmental benefits.
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