Review of the Shallow Geothermal Energy Resources Development and Utilization
投稿时间:2012-11-01  修订日期:2013-01-20
中文关键词: 可再生能源 浅层地温能 浅泵技术
英文关键词: renewable energy, shallow geothermal energy
栾英波 北京市地质矿产勘查开发局北京 
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      [摘 要]能源是人类生存、经济可持续发展和社会文明进步的重要物质保证和必要推动力,是关系国家经济命脉重要战略物资。随着全球变暖、温室效应和能源紧缺等问题的日益严重,作为清洁可再生的浅层地温能资源逐渐得到各国政府高度重视,到2010年已有43个国家开发利用这种资源。近年来我国新能源和可再生能源得到了长足的发展,可再生能源利用的技术水平有了很大提高,产业已初具规模,特别是浅层地温能的开发利用,已从上世纪90年代的起步阶段步入快速发展期,据不完全统计目前我国浅层地温能的服务面积已近2×108m2,成为建筑节能的主力军。本文对国内外浅层地温能资源开发利用现状进行了梳理和概括,有助于了解和掌握浅层地温能开发利用的发展动态,对开展浅层地温能资源评价和工程建设具有重要意义。
      Abstract: Energy is a kind of important and basic resources for human life, economic development and social progress. It is also an important strategic material related to the nation's economic life and economic security. With increasing serious global warming, greenhouse effects and energy shortage problems, clean and renewable shallow geothermal energy resources have attached much attention all over the world. By the end of 2010, 43 countries have developed and utilized such resources. Recently, development and utilization of new energy and renewable energy have made great progress in China. And the techniques of renewable energy utilization have acquired achievements. In particular, the shallow geothermal energy development and utilization has stepped from initial stage since the 1990s into a rapid development period. An incomplete statistics shows that the service area of shallow geothermal energy in China reaches as great as 2×108m2 at present which has become the main force of building energy conservation. The paper summarizes the development and utilization of shallow geothermal energy in China and elsewhere in the world, focusing on heat pump technology. It would be of significance for understanding the development trend as well as evaluation of shallow geothermal energy resources and engineering construction.
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