苗晋祥.河南郁山铝土矿三维地质建模软件 工作流程与对比研究[J].地质与勘探,2012,48(3):502-507
河南郁山铝土矿三维地质建模软件 工作流程与对比研究
Workflow and Comparsion of Three-dimensional Geological Modeling UsingDifferent Software for the Yushan Bauxite Deposit in Henan Province
投稿时间:2011-12-10  修订日期:2012-01-18
中文关键词: 三维地质模型 工作流程 河南 郁山 铝土矿
英文关键词: three-dimension geological modeling, workflow, Yushan bauxite deposit, Henan Province
基金项目:论文得到河南省覆盖区铝(粘)土矿资源潜力评价和找矿技术研究项目(项目编号:(编号:资[2010]矿评01-12-13 号)
苗晋祥 河南省金属矿产成矿地质过程与资源利用重点实验室,河南郑州 
摘要点击次数: 2583
全文下载次数: 1535
      [摘 要]野外勘察和测量获得的地质信息是一些离散的数据,面对这些地质信息,传统的方法只能用平面和剖面、静态三维等方法进行展示。三维地质建模技术以直观性、立体化、动态化,使地质成果表达通俗化,因此,三维地质建模技术的研究和应用已成为地质类各专业勘察评价的新趋势。河南省地质调查院以河南郁山铝土矿等项目为试点,开展了三维地质建模技术的推广应用的探索研究。本文以美国CTech 公司的MVS 8. 2、澳大利亚Micromine 集团的Micromine 2010、中地数码公司(武汉)的MAP鄄GIS-G3dProject 软件为例,论述了三维地质建模的工作流程及这三种软件的优势对比。
      Abstract:Geological information obtained from field investigations and surveys is discrete data. Traditional methods can only display this information in planes or profiles or a static three-dimensional way. The three-dimensional geological modeling is intuitive, three-dimensional and dynamic, and makes expression of geological results understandable. The three-dimensional geological modeling is a new tendency for various geological prospecting. Henan Province Institute of Geological Survey has studied 3D geological modeling at the experimental site of the Yushan bauxite deposit in Henan Province. This paper presents the workflow and comparison of 3D geological modeling using three sets of software of CTECH MVS 8.2 of USA, Micromine 2010 of Australia and MAPGIS_G3dProject of China in an effort to provide insight for the next work.
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