惠卫东.东天山图拉尔根铜镍硫化物矿床综合 信息找矿模型的应用[J].地质与勘探,2011,47(3):388-399
东天山图拉尔根铜镍硫化物矿床综合 信息找矿模型的应用
Application of Comprehensive Information to Exploration of the TulargenCu-Ni Sulfide Deposit in Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang
投稿时间:2010-09-26  修订日期:2010-10-12
中文关键词: 东天山 图拉尔根铜镍硫化物矿床 地质异常信息 物探异常 化探异常 找矿模型
英文关键词: Eastern Tianshan,Tulargen Cu-Ni sulfide deposit,geological anomalous information,geophysical anomalies,geochemical anomalies,pros鄄 pecting model
基金项目:“十一五冶新疆305 项目东天山铜镍矿专题(2006BAB07B03-01)、新疆维吾尔自治区资源补偿费项目和和新疆有色(集团)公 司项目资。
惠卫东 中国地质大学(武汉),湖北武汉 
摘要点击次数: 3443
全文下载次数: 1471
      [摘要]图拉尔根铜镍矿位于东天山黄山-镜儿泉铜镍成矿带的东段,是近年来新发现的具大型 成矿远景的岩浆型铜镍硫化物矿床。通过系统研究区域成矿地质环境、矿床特征、地球物理特征、地球 化学特征等找矿信息的基础上,对图拉尔根铜镍矿床不同尺度的地质、物探、化探等致矿地质异常信息 进行提取,在地质异常理论指导下,尝试性地建立了图拉尔根铜镍矿基于“5P冶找矿地段圈定的多源信 息找矿模型,初步确定了不同找矿地段的地质、物探、化探模型要素组合,提出了以“基性-超基性杂岩体 +高磁、高极化、高重力、低电阻+Cu、Ni、Co 综合异常+褐铁矿化、孔雀石化冶为核心的矿床综合信息找矿 模型,对于野外地质找矿具有指导意义。
      Abstract:Tulargen Cu-Ni sulfide deposit, located in the eastern part of Huangshan-Jinerquan Cu-Ni metallogenic belt in Eastern Tianshan, is a newly discovered large scale deposit related to mafic-ultramafic complex in recent years in Xinjiang. By systematic research on various ore-prospecting ge鄄 ological information, such as regional metallogenic geological settings, geolocical characteristics of the deposit, geophysical and geochemical characteris鄄 tics,we extracted different scale geological, geophysical and geochemical anomalies information associated with mineralization. Under the guidance of geo鄄 logical anomaly theory, we established multi-source information prospecting model of Tulargen Cu-Ni sulfide deposit based on “5P冶method for approach the target, and preliminary determined geological, geophysical and geochemical modeled element combination in different exploration area, and then, the author proposed comprehensive information prospecting models of Tulargen Cu-Ni sulfide deposit centered on mafic-ultramafic complex + high magnetic a鄄 nomaly+high polarization +hypergravity+low resistance+Cu-Ni-Co composite anomaly+limonitization and malachite, it has some guiding meaning for field geological peospecting.
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